Thursday, July 17, 2008


As our training started, Christina who is the cycling manager told us that a few of the Purdue students were to switched either full-time or part-time to the volleyball venue. Without any other way to determine who was to go, we drew names out of a hat and now I will be covering volleyball at the games instead of cycling. I'm definitely excited with my new "beat", as volleyball is a sport that I am more familiar with.

I met my volleyball manager and in our brief conversation, it appears that they will put to use my bilingual skills, and have me interview specifically the Chinese teams, and translate their quotes back to English.

I am somewhat disappointed that I will not be able to work with my fellow students, but I realize that the Olympics is just such a unique opportunity and that any little thing us volunteers can do is just a small part of this great event. I'm hoping that I will meet different people at whatever venues I will be working at, and that those relationships will last past these games.

Better start learning those volleyball terms now. In both Mandarin and English.

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