Sunday, August 17, 2008

An Olympic First

As part of a trial for the Beijing Olympic Broadcasting and the Olympic News Service, I was the first ever video flash quote interviewer. This was definitely one of those, “Wow, cool!” after the fact moments, but it was still a very fun experience nonetheless. I was told only twenty minutes prior to the game that I would actually be participating in this event and there definitely was some apprehension. I have had experience with a microphone, a camera and an extremely tall athlete before but this was definitely on a different level. Thankfully I was the anonymous hand holding an obnoxious green microphone, but the mere knowledge of the fact that I could have a lot of people listen and “watch” me ask a stupid question to an athlete was mind-blowing.

The humor of it all is probably that the one thing I jokingly requested beforehand, a box to stand on so I could be more in-line with the height of the extremely tall players ended up being somewhat of an issue. The summary from whichever headquarter in charge of this trial commented on the soft volume of the interview/flash quote itself. A very large part of that was my fault, as I was intimated of placing a microphone right up against an athlete’s mouth, much less one who has the comfort of the locker room just mere minutes away.

Spare box anyone?

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