Monday, August 18, 2008

Home stretch

As my time in Beijing as a volunteer is winding down, I've started to think about what I miss most from home, and what I will most from my stay in Beijing. It's interesting to see how the most mundane things become so important when you aren't able to have them everyday.

Here's the list for things I miss most about home.

Texas Roadhouse, Olive Garden (especially Steak Gorgonzola Alfredo)

I miss the good 'ol extra large portions of American food. When you've taken a bite out of a twelve ounce medium rare filet mignon, a bowl of white rice and some bok-choy just does not compare at all.

Midnight trips to Walmart/McDonalds/IHOP, being able to drive to places whenever you want

Having your own car, and being able to control where you want to go whenever you want is such a luxury. Sans the almost impossible Beijing traffic, the size of the city makes it extremely difficult to satisfy needs on a whim.

Watching movies when they first come out

No complaints about less than a dollar DVDs, but I miss the aspect of standing in line waiting for the premiere of a movie. Ironman, Transformers and Harold and Kumar come into mind, but I've been suffering as I haven't been able to lay my eyes on this year's summer hit; The Dark Knight.

Uncensored internet

I didn't think this would affect me as much as it did, because I had lived in China before. While I can understand blocking porn and some other questionable material, when I can't read a friend's blog, or *gasp* get on Facebook it does tend to irk you.

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